Bright Ideas to Tweet About on Twitter

‍You know that feeling when you’re sitting at your computer, waiting for a new Twitter client to roll out, and all of a sudden you have thousands of followers who are all saying the same thing? It’s called “the tweeted-about moment.” It’s kind of like being catnip for social media geeks, but instead of cats trying to pass out mice, it’s people trying to take over the world by tweeting about everything and anything. Do you know what I mean?

It can be difficult to keep up with all the good ideas being thrown your way on Twitter. I mean, how many times do you need a free follower for Twitter? The answer is probably always. However, it can be hard to stay on top of new social media platforms without a team of virtual assistants to help you out and follow. Even if you’re not looking for help co-Tweeting with friends and clients or starting your micro-blogging service, here are a few ways you can start using new ideas to improve your Tweets this week!

Political Updates

If you’re looking for a way to get involved in the current political conversation, you might want to start using the hashtag #politics. Who knows? You might just find yourself joining the conversation and throwing your several followers in. It’s likely that you’ll see some insightful and thought-provoking tweets while doing so.

Technology Updates

You don’t have to be an expert on technology to use the #technology Twitter account. You can also use the account to give your readers a quick rundown of what’s new and exciting in your industry. There are plenty of tech-savvy people on Twitter, so you should be able to interact with them easily.

Sports Updates

If you’re a sports fan, you might find yourself tuning into your favorite teams’ games during the week. You might even follow your favorite players’ accounts to stay in the know. You can use the #sports account to let the world know what’s happening with your favorite teams, and engage with your favorite players.

Celebrity Gossip

Last but not least, let’s talk celebrity gossip! You’ve probably already heard about the latest celebrity news, but you can also use this account to let the world know what’s happening with your favorite TV stars. Be careful though, because many celebrities are on Twitter a lot, so you may accidentally give spoilers to your followers.

Upcoming events

Plan your week around upcoming events so you never miss out on anything important. You can use the #upcomingevents account to keep your followers informed about upcoming series, parties, and concerts.


Social media is a powerful tool for making new friends, finding businesses, and connecting with loved ones. But don’t just use it for those things! Try to use it for something meaningful, as well. By using these ideas to start using #newideas on your account, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a more engaging and productive tweeter this week.